NEBA Presents

Join Us in honoring Newtown's unsung heroes & Living Legends

Why Sponsor this event?

Sponsor this community event to make a difference where it matters most. Your support helps us offer free haircuts, pamper sessions for kids, free food, entertainment, and a heartfelt tribute to Newtown’s unsung heroes. Together, we can uplift our community in a meaningful way.

Sponsorship packages

PAMPER OUR YOUTH: Nurturing BodyTemples, One Pampered Child at a Time

Sponsor a child

Your sponsorship will allow us to provide a Free Hairstyle and Manicure to a child as well as a Self-Care kit to take home and valuable information on the importance of maintaining our bodyTemples. 



Help wanted

We are looking to hire the following service provides:

  • Hair dressers
  • Nail techs
  • Massage Therapists 
  • Estheticians 

Please submit the following form and we will be in contact.